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Peter Hübner
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Scientists from Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for Self Awareness
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: ... says the well-known classical composer and musicologist Peter Huebner regarding the discovery of ‘the brain regions responsible for self-awareness’ of the scientists from Tuebingen and their colleagues from the universities of London, Cambridge and Oxford.  
“One day one will
have to officially admit,
that that, what we
have baptized reality,
is still a greater illusion
than the world of dream.”
Salvador Dali
“Consciousness, by its own nature,
exists only in the singular.
I want to say:
the total number of all
is always only ‘one’.”
Erwin Schrödinger
Mr. Huebner, you are of course aware of the fact, that with your statements regarding the ‘discovery’ of the ‘regions in the brain responsible for self-awareness’ in the beginning you will have the great majority of the mediocre researchers and scientists of our ‘civilised world’ against you.

PETER HUEBNER: You mean those stubborn minded exponents of the first three main states of consciousness and its natural products: those diverse individual, social and ecological crises.
“You cannot teach people.
You can only help them
to discover it within themselves.”
Galileo Galilei
thought of progress
has uncovered itself
as a mischief of man.”
Karl Jaspers
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: ... by which our present-day world is shaken, via and due its academic mistakes.
“There is only one single good for man:
And only one single evil:
PETER HUEBNER: Time is ripe for a basic change of views – for a consistent orientation towards the facts of nature and not towards any narrow and sensational scientific wishful thinking and also not towards the market.

And besides this there are still enough responsible people amongst them, who will be ready and interested, to open up to these long overdue developments and to collaborate on reshaping the world by this process of deliberate, systematic development of higher main states of consciousness on a broad front:
“A new kind of thinking
is necessary,
if human kind
wants to live on.”
Albert Einstein
“The measure
of all things
is man.”
for the welfare of man, animals and plants and in the interest of the future of the children and youths of the world.
I want to encourage the scientists of the University of Tuebingen as well as of the Universities of London, Cambridge and Oxford involved in the investigation to take these critical remarks of their research not on a personal level.
For me it is of prime importance to fight off an ideological trend, which is about to spread itself out, come hell or high water, particularly also in neurosciences in the sense of blind modernity.

It is about the dull-witted philosophy of materialistic atheism, as it is spread in particular by the German Lutheran Church via universities and their own colleges, with blind missionary zeal and using complex material dependencies.
“What greater does man have to give to man than truth?

... who only starts moving the powers of his mind, in order to improve his sensual condition and to satisfy a small-minded thirst for glory, such a person, when starting his academic career, will have no more important work to do, than to separate with utmost care the sciences, which he calls bread-studies, from all other studies, which only enjoy the mind as mind.

All the time, which he would devote to the latter, he would believe to take away from his future profession and would never forgive himself this robbery.

All hard work he will align according to the demands, which his future master of his destiny will ask him for, and once he has made himself capable of not having to fear this authority, then he thinks to have done everything.

... his greatest care is now, to put the accumulated memory treasures on display and to definitely prevent, that they do not decrease in value.

Every expansion of his bread-science makes him concerned, for it sends him new work or turns the previous work useless; every important innovation startles him, for it breaks the old form, which he has made a habit of so arduously in school, it puts him into the danger of loosing the entire work of his previous life.

Who has shouted out aloud more on reformers than the crowd of bread-scholars?

Who holds up more the progress of useful revolutions in the realm of knowledge, than just those?

Any light lit by a lucky genius, in whatever science it may be, makes their meagreness visible; they fight with bitterness, with treachery, with despair, for while protecting their school system they fight for their whole existence at the same time.

Therefore no enemy more irreconcilable, no helping colleague more jealous, no one more willing to make heretics as the bread-scientist.

The lesser his knowledge is awarded by itself, the greater reward he demands from outside; for the merit of those who work by hand and by mind he has only one measure, the effort.

Therefore you hear no one more complaining about ingratitude than the bread-scientist; not in his mind treasures he looks for his merit, his merit he expects from foreign recognition, from honourable positions, from supply.

If he fails in this, who is more unhappy than the bread-scholar? He has lived in vain, risked in vain, worked in vain; in vain he has looked for truth as long as truth for him does not transform itself into gold, into praise of the press, into favour of the rulers.

Lamentable man, who with the most noble tool of all, with science and art, does not want and achieve anything higher, than the day labourer with the worst! Who in the realm of most perfect freedom carries within him the soul of a slave!
Friedrich Schiller
In the inaugural address of his
historic lectures at the University of Jena
“Through its growing richness,
through the ignorance of the peoples
and through the weakness of their rulers,
the clergy had to be enticed and favoured,
to misuse its reputation
and change its silent power of conscience
into a worldly sword.”

 Friedrich Schiller
In the inaugural address of his
historic lectures at the University of Jena
The consequence of such attitude we find, next to others, in the atomic bomb and in consequence: in its dropping in Hiroshima, in the nuclear reactor and in consequence: in the disaster in Chernobyl, in materialistic pharmaceutics and in consequence: in countless harmful side-effects, in genetic manipulation and in consequence: in according unforeseeable negative consequences up to thoughtless abortion – only to name a few disastrous damages caused through or by the help of science.

This limited philosophy of materialistic atheism and its missionary establishment, also via universities and research institutions is based today solely on the fact, that the scientists do not make use of their free will and limit themselves voluntarily – almost like trained slaves – only to the first three main states of consciousness and in doing so let their mentioned creative organs of cognition intellect, feeling, and understanding degenerate.
Medical Music Preparations on CD
Listening Program:
Headache / Migraine
RRR 133 Headache / Migraine
RRR 931
RRR 934
RRR 942
RRR 102
RRR 933
RRR 132
RRR 951
RRR 117
RRR 128

If you click on the title of the program,
it will lead you to the scientific research.