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Peter Hübner
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Scientists from Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for Self Awareness
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: But here we have made already once again a stop over in the cognition sphere of that statement ‘the distinction between self and foreign is a biological necessity of all living beings’.
“One speaks of our age as the age of science, in actual fact it is only the age of technology. The much praised conquest of nature only expresses our megalomania and is vain rubbish.
We should rather return to humility, for that the time of greater obedience may break. Nature is unrelenting and does not keep anything secret. But we are blind for this due to our egocentricity.”
Peckham researcher
Scott Williamson
in Science Synthesis and Sanity
PETER HUEBNER: Within the framework of the first three main states of consciousness of man and animal the present-day world situation with all its crises is just normal.

We all have to get used to this simple insight from the fifth and – a little less clear – from the fourth main state of consciousness and – if we lack personal experience – then we simply have to believe it: that only developing further main states of consciousness can lead us out of this dead end of the first three main states of consciousness and their worldwide political consequences – this is a cosmic law and is completely based in the system of cosmic evolution, and in the system of earthly evolution as well.
“On the basis of the
relativity theory space has physical attributes.
In this sense exists
therefore an aether.
On the basis of the relativity theory space without aether is unimaginable!”
Albert Einstein
Orthodox physics, however,
did not take any notice of it.
“Ignorance is a situation,
which closes a man
as completely off
as a prison.”
Simone de Beauvoir
“In retrospect
nothing looks as simple as a
realised utopia.”
Wernher von Braun
And this “believe” is anyway the normal: natural state of cognition of the first three main states of consciousness, in man and animal alike – as seen from the fifth main state of consciousness.

Within the framework of the first three states of consciousness one does not have to adjust oneself or bend oneself straight for this ‘believe’ in any way – even if in the beginning this truly academic insight hurts under the load of the many titles, offices and dignities.
“Some roosters believe,
the sun rises
due to them!”
Theodor Fontane
“The essence of the process of nourishment is the absorption of systems of order as required, not of substances or energies.
Although life uses such carrier substances, it sustains itself only by incorporating higher organisational values from the environment.”
Erwin Schroedinger
Nobel Laureate in physics
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: And in this way, with the different states of consciousness, the philosopher’s stone probably starts to sway quite a bit?

PETER HUEBNER: You can say so. Within the first three main states of consciousness this stone lies in thinking: here the mediocre scientist gains his cognitions and from here, correspondingly, the mediocre artist creates his work.

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: Nowadays the majority of the scientists and artists.

PETER HUEBNER: Like at all times we know of. With the fourth main state of consciousness both recognise by own authentic experience the basis of their thinking: consciousness as the original field of their cognitions and/or creations.

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: That is, in the fourth main state of consciousness we recognise consciousness to be the basis of thinking – golly! Normally you can not distinguish this so clearly.

PETER HUEBNER: This is reasonable, too – for in the moment they could recognise it, they are in deep sleep.

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: And in this state of consciousness they do not experience anything, as is known – for there they are like unconscious or dead.

PETER HUEBNER: Well, this main state of consciousness is investigated enough. With the fifth main state of consciousness both cognise by own authentic experience the basis of their consciousness: the light of the sun of their self as the country of origin of their cognitions and/or creations.

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: And probably it continues like this with the development of further main states of consciousness. But first again back to the brain as the alleged seat of self-awareness: how does it fit in here?
Medical Music Preparations on CD
Listening Program:
Vital Energy
RRR 101 Vital Energy
RRR 932
RRR 943
RRR 937

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it will lead you to the scientific research.